How to Backcast with the fable Package in R


The TSA data that we've pulled starts at 2019-01-05, so we're missing just four days of data. It would be very helpful to have a reasonable estimate for these four days if we want to give a summed number for January or full-year 2019. This is a perfect case where we can use backcasting to impute these missing values.

If you have any interest in forecasting, I highly recommend the fable package from Mitchell O'Hara-Wild, the great Rob Hyndman, and Earo Wang. It's the newest iteration of the well-known forecast package, and it plays well with the tidyverse. I also recommend the excellent book Forecasting: Principles and Practice by Rob Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos, which walks through fundamental forecasting principles using fable. In the last chapter of that book, they mention that fable can backcast if we need to predict what prior values were. They give the example code below. Let's walk through this backcasting process and show how we can apply this to our TSA data.

          # Example code from Forecasting: Principles and Practice
          backcasts <- auscafe %>%
            mutate(reverse_time = rev(row_number())) %>%
            update_tsibble(index = reverse_time) %>%
            model(ets = ETS(Turnover ~ season(period = 12))) %>%
            forecast(h = 15) %>%
            mutate(Month = auscafe$Month[1] - (1:15)) %>%
            as_fable(index = Month, response = "Turnover",
              distribution = "Turnover")
          backcasts %>%
            autoplot(auscafe %>% filter(year(Month) < 1990)) +
            labs(title = "Backcasts of Australian food expenditure",
                y = "$ (billions)")

Loading the data

To start, we'll load the tidied TSA data.

            # Data manipulation and visualization
            # Time series analysis
            # Read in data
            df <- read_csv('../data/tsa.csv')
            df <- df |> as_tsibble(index = Date)

The data looks like this after being loaded and converted to a tsibble:

            # A tsibble: 1,212 x 2 [1D]
              Date       Passengers
            1 2019-01-05    2345103
            2 2019-01-06    2202111
            3 2019-01-07    2150571
            4 2019-01-08    1975947
            5 2019-01-09    2229391
            6 2019-01-10    2044043
            7 2019-01-11    1733739
            8 2019-01-12    1739642
            9 2019-01-13    1955200
           10 2019-01-14    1959788
            # ... with 1,202 more rows

Our data starts at 2019-01-05, so we're missing the first four days of 2019.

Reversing the index to forecast back in time

We can use fable to create a reasonable forecast to fill in these missing dates.

First let's plot the original data through February 2020 to see how it looks. We can filter out anything after February 2020 because we don't want to include the Covid pandemic pattern in our forecast model training.

            df |> 
            filter(Date <= '2020-02-29') |>
Plot of original data.

Right now the Date is the index in the tsibble. We'll need to create a new reversed index in order to forecast back in time.

Below we're using the dplyr::row_number() function to generate row numbers and then using the base::rev() function to reverse those numbers. The new field reverse_time shows this new reversed index.

            df |>
            # Remove Covid impact
            filter(Date <= '2020-02-29') |>
            # Create reverse index
            mutate(reverse_time = rev(row_number()))
            # A tsibble: 421 x 3 [1D]
               Date       Passengers reverse_time
             1 2019-01-05    2345103          421
             2 2019-01-06    2202111          420
             3 2019-01-07    2150571          419
             4 2019-01-08    1975947          418
             5 2019-01-09    2229391          417
             6 2019-01-10    2044043          416
             7 2019-01-11    1733739          415
             8 2019-01-12    1739642          414
             9 2019-01-13    1955200          413
            10 2019-01-14    1959788          412
            # ... with 411 more rows

Now we can update our tsibble to use this new reversed_time field as the index. We can do this with the tsibble::update_tsibble() function. Now we see that the reverse_time field is in ascending order and the Date field is reversed.

            df |>
            # Remove Covid impact
            filter(Date <= '2020-02-29') |>
            # Create reverse index
            mutate(reverse_time = rev(row_number())) |>
            # Use new reverse index as tsibble index
            update_tsibble(index = reverse_time)
            # A tsibble: 421 x 3 [1]
               Date       Passengers reverse_time
             1 2020-02-29    1949696            1
             2 2020-02-28    2441643            2
             3 2020-02-27    2364727            3
             4 2020-02-26    2075554            4
             5 2020-02-25    1919803            5
             6 2020-02-24    2267382            6
             7 2020-02-23    2380359            7
             8 2020-02-22    1951535            8
             9 2020-02-21    2429489            9
            10 2020-02-20    2358511           10
            # ... with 411 more rows

Let's plot the data again now that the index has been reversed. Comparing to the prior plot above, we can see that we've successfully reversed the data. In the plot below, the beginning (left) is February 2020 and the end (right) is January 2019.

Plot of reversed data.


Now we can proceed with creating our forecasts. We'll use the fable::ETS() and fable::ARIMA() functions for this. We'll then create a third, combined model that averages the output of both the ETS and ARIMA models. Hyndman and Athanasopoulos explain the process of combining forecasts here and note that it often improves accuracy. The ETS and ARIMA functions are finding the best fitting models to the data, and we will simply use the chosen model from each without any further scrutiny. Because we're just imputing four days of data, we don't need to spend more time on evaluating the model accuracy.

            df |>
            # Remove Covid impact
            filter(Date <= '2020-02-29') |>
            # Create reverse index
            mutate(reverse_time = rev(row_number())) |>
            # Use new reverse index as tsibble index
            update_tsibble(index = reverse_time) |>
            # Create ETS and ARIMA models from data
                ets = ETS(Passengers),
                arima = ARIMA(Passengers, stepwise = FALSE, approximation = FALSE)
            ) |>
            # Create combined model from both
            mutate(combo = (ets + arima) / 2)

This results in the following mable (model table):

mable of forecast models.

Now if we forecast 4 days using these models (forecast(h = 4)), we'll get the results below. It gives us the forecast distribution and mean for each day for each model.

            # A fable: 12 x 4 [1]
            # Key:     .model [3]
               .model reverse_time          Passengers    .mean
             1 ets             422   N(2e+06, 5.4e+10) 2041333.
             2 ets             423   N(2e+06, 5.5e+10) 2041333.
             3 ets             424   N(2e+06, 5.6e+10) 2041333.
             4 ets             425   N(2e+06, 5.7e+10) 2041333.
             5 arima           422   N(2e+06, 3.9e+10) 2021572.
             6 arima           423 N(2079099, 4.1e+10) 2079099.
             7 arima           424 N(2173603, 4.1e+10) 2173603.
             8 arima           425 N(2131355, 4.5e+10) 2131355.
             9 combo           422   N(2e+06, 4.2e+10) 2031452.
            10 combo           423 N(2060216, 4.4e+10) 2060216.
            11 combo           424 N(2107468, 4.5e+10) 2107468.
            12 combo           425 N(2086344, 4.7e+10) 2086344.

We have our forecasts using the reversed index, but now we need to reverse the index again back to the original Date in order to view these forecasts with the rest of the data. First we'll add a Date field back into our forecast results with mutate(Date = rep(df$Date[1] - c(1:4), 3)).

            df |>
            # Remove Covid impact
            filter(Date <= '2020-02-29') |>
            # Create reverse index
            mutate(reverse_time = rev(row_number())) |>
            # Use new reverse index as tsibble index
            update_tsibble(index = reverse_time) |>
            # Create ETS and ARIMA models from data
                ets = ETS(Passengers),
                arima = ARIMA(Passengers, stepwise = FALSE, approximation = FALSE)
            ) |>
            # Create combined model from both
            mutate(combo = (ets + arima) / 2) |>
            forecast(h = 4) |>
            # Label newly forecasted data with proper historical dates
            mutate(Date = rep(df$Date[1] - c(1:4), 3))

This adds the correct Date label into our forecast results:

            # A fable: 12 x 5 [1]
            # Key:     .model [3]
               .model reverse_time          Passengers    .mean Date      
             1 ets             422   N(2e+06, 5.4e+10) 2041333. 2019-01-04
             2 ets             423   N(2e+06, 5.5e+10) 2041333. 2019-01-03
             3 ets             424   N(2e+06, 5.6e+10) 2041333. 2019-01-02
             4 ets             425   N(2e+06, 5.7e+10) 2041333. 2019-01-01
             5 arima           422   N(2e+06, 3.9e+10) 2021572. 2019-01-04
             6 arima           423 N(2079099, 4.1e+10) 2079099. 2019-01-03
             7 arima           424 N(2173603, 4.1e+10) 2173603. 2019-01-02
             8 arima           425 N(2131355, 4.5e+10) 2131355. 2019-01-01
             9 combo           422   N(2e+06, 4.2e+10) 2031452. 2019-01-04
            10 combo           423 N(2060216, 4.4e+10) 2060216. 2019-01-03
            11 combo           424 N(2107468, 4.5e+10) 2107468. 2019-01-02
            12 combo           425 N(2086344, 4.7e+10) 2086344. 2019-01-01

Finally we can reindex these forecast values with fabletools::as_fable(). We specify that the index should be Date and that the response and distribution are Passengers.

            df |>
            # Remove Covid impact
            filter(Date <= '2020-02-29') |>
            # Create reverse index
            mutate(reverse_time = rev(row_number())) |>
            # Use new reverse index as tsibble index
            update_tsibble(index = reverse_time) |>
            # Create ETS and ARIMA models from data
                ets = ETS(Passengers),
                arima = ARIMA(Passengers, stepwise = FALSE, approximation = FALSE)
            ) |>
            # Create combined model from both
            mutate(combo = (ets + arima) / 2) |>
            forecast(h = 4) |>
            # Label newly forecasted data with proper historical dates
            mutate(Date = rep(df$Date[1] - c(1:4), 3)) |>
            # Reindex forecast results to use Date like the original data
            as_fable(index = Date, response = 'Passengers', distribution = 'Passengers')

We get the results below. This looks very similar to the results we just saw, but now the data is sorted by Date because that is the new index.

            # A fable: 12 x 5 [1D]
            # Key:     .model [3]
               .model reverse_time          Passengers    .mean Date      
             1 arima           425 N(2131355, 4.5e+10) 2131355. 2019-01-01
             2 arima           424 N(2173603, 4.1e+10) 2173603. 2019-01-02
             3 arima           423 N(2079099, 4.1e+10) 2079099. 2019-01-03
             4 arima           422   N(2e+06, 3.9e+10) 2021572. 2019-01-04
             5 combo           425 N(2086344, 4.7e+10) 2086344. 2019-01-01
             6 combo           424 N(2107468, 4.5e+10) 2107468. 2019-01-02
             7 combo           423 N(2060216, 4.4e+10) 2060216. 2019-01-03
             8 combo           422   N(2e+06, 4.2e+10) 2031452. 2019-01-04
             9 ets             425   N(2e+06, 5.7e+10) 2041333. 2019-01-01
            10 ets             424   N(2e+06, 5.6e+10) 2041333. 2019-01-02
            11 ets             423   N(2e+06, 5.5e+10) 2041333. 2019-01-03
            12 ets             422   N(2e+06, 5.4e+10) 2041333. 2019-01-04

We'll store these forecast results and plot them to see how they compare. The ARIMA model forecast shows daily fluctation while the ETS model forecast is flat.The combo model is just the average of the two, so it's right in the middle.

            # Plot backcasts with original data
            autoplot(fcst, df |> filter(Date <= '2019-03-01')) +
            labs(title = 'Backcasts')
Plot of backcasts from three different models.

Given that forecast combinations often outperform individual models, let's use the combination model. We can select the mean values from the combo forecast and append them to our original data so that we have a complete dataset with these missing values filled in.

            # Combine original data and forecast
            fcst <- fcst |>
                filter(.model == 'combo') |>
                as_tibble() |>
                select(Date, .mean) |>
                rename(Passengers = .mean)
            df <- bind_rows(df, fcst)

Our dataset now has complete data from the beginning of 2019!

            # A tsibble: 1,216 x 2 [1D]
               Date       Passengers
             1 2019-01-01   2086344.
             2 2019-01-02   2107468.
             3 2019-01-03   2060216.
             4 2019-01-04   2031452.
             5 2019-01-05   2345103 
             6 2019-01-06   2202111 
             7 2019-01-07   2150571 
             8 2019-01-08   1975947 
             9 2019-01-09   2229391 
            10 2019-01-10   2044043 
            # ... with 1,206 more rows

Final code

Now here is the complete code:

            # Data manipulation and visualization
            # Time series analysis

            # Read in data
            df <- read_csv('../data/tsa.csv')
            df <- df |> as_tsibble(index = Date)

            # Backcasting
            fcst <- df |>
                # Remove Covid impact
                filter(Date <= '2020-02-29') |>
                # Create reverse index
                mutate(reverse_time = rev(row_number())) |>
                # Use new reverse index as tsibble index
                update_tsibble(index = reverse_time) |>
                # Create ETS and ARIMA models from data
                    ets = ETS(Passengers),
                    arima = ARIMA(Passengers, stepwise = FALSE, approximation = FALSE)
                    ) |>
                # Create combined model from both
                mutate(combo = (ets + arima) / 2) |>
                forecast(h = 4) |>
                # Label newly forecasted data with proper historical dates
                mutate(Date = rep(df$Date[1] - c(1:4), 3)) |>
                # Reindex forecast results to use Date like the original data
                as_fable(index = Date, response = 'Passengers', distribution = 'Passengers')

            # Plot backcasts with original data
            autoplot(fcst, df |> filter(Date <= '2019-03-01')) +
                labs(title = 'Backcasts')

            # Combine original data and forecast
            fcst <- fcst |>
                filter(.model == 'combo') |>
                as_tibble() |>
                select(Date, .mean) |>
                rename(Passengers = .mean)
            df <- bind_rows(df, fcst)

            # Save data
            write_csv(df, '../data/tsa-backcast.csv')